Awakening your Divine Shakti
A delicious 90 minute offering that weaves Meditation, Breathwork, and Movement. Guiding you to connect to your Divine Feminine energy. Learning ways to embody and awaken Shakti off the mat and in your day to day lives.
While we remain restricted from physical travel, our Conscious Wellness Digital Series was cultivated to support you with introspective travel. A space to journey and delve deeper within yourself. A safe virtual space that allows you to be at your most raw and vulnerable. A space that allows you to grow, grieve, release and restore, while getting real comfortable with the silence, the stillness and the voices within. A space that inspires and holds you accountable, while feeling supported.
Our Conscious Wellness Digital Classes and Offerings will connect you with some of our favourite healers, health, fitness, spiritual and wellness experts, holistic practitioners, thought leaders and lifestyle alchemists, so you can learn, grow, better understand self and your place within our ever changing planet. Our digital spaces welcome all, every class, every workshop, every offering encourages everyone to come exactly as they are.
With philanthropy always being at our core and with us always placing great importance on being of service, living consciously and intentionally especially during this time. All of our offerings will have a % aligned in supporting various projects assisting people and place globally.
A delicious 90 minute offering that weaves Meditation, Breathwork, and Movement. Guiding you to connect to your Divine Feminine energy. Learning ways to embody and awaken Shakti off the mat and in your day to day lives.